Loan Servicing
We Help You Manage Your Student Loans
Important Messages
Are You Considering Federal Loan Consolidation?
Consolidation into the Direct Loan program may allow borrowers
with FFELP loans to take advantage of repayment plans or forgiveness options created solely for Direct Loans. It's important to understand and carefully
consider all factors.
Beware of Fraud – You Never Have to Pay for Help with Your Student Loans
Don't fall victim to companies that promise to fix your student loans if you give them control over your account. Don't pay to enroll in a payment plan
that's available for free to all borrowers with federal student loans.
Have You Been Affected by a Natural Disaster?
You may be eligible to temporarily postpone your student loan payments through an administrative forbearance. This option to postpone payment
is available to individuals living in designated disaster regions. Federal and private education loans may qualify for this relief.
To check if your area qualifies, visit for a
list of declared disasters. Select the applicable disaster declaration and review the designated areas.
Contact Us
Federal Student Loans
Explore Federal Student Loan Repayment Options
Learn about Income-Based Repayment (IBR), which may lower your payments based on income and family size. Or find out if deferment or forbearance is right
for your short-term payment postponement needs, and explore loan forgiveness and consolidation.
Federal Student Loans
Private Student Loans
Explore Private Loan Repayment Options
Find out about our Interest-Only, Extended Term, and Rate Reduction programs, which may be available depending on your lender's loan terms as well
as you or your cosigner's financial situation.
Private Student Loans
Avoiding Delinquency and Default
Help Center
We Help You Successfully Manage and Repay Your Loans
Get answers to common questions
View step-by-step instructions on managing your account
Help Center
About Payments
Learn How Payments are Allocated and Applied
Your payment may be allocated and applied differently depending on the status of your loan and if you have multiple loans that are combined into
one billing or loan group. You can also look up terms in our Payment Glossary.
About Payments
Taxes, Interest, & Credit
Understand Student Loan Interest and Credit Reporting
You may be able to deduct interest paid on your eligible student loans on your federal tax return. When it comes to relaying information to consumer
reporting agencies, we’re committed to the highest industry standards.
Taxes, Interest, & Credit
Military Benefits
Learn About SCRA and More Military Benefits
There are a variety of student loan benefits available to members of the armed forces. We encourage you to learn about them and contact our
Military Benefits Team for assistance.
Military Benefits